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School Handbook:

School handbook information is located on your child's Teams site.  If you have any questions, please contact the school.

Attendance - Safe Arrival

The Ministry of Education requires all elementary schools to have a safe arrival program in place. In order for this program to work well, it is very important that we have the cooperation of parents. Parents are requested to:

• Call the school (613-932-5318), preferably in advance, to report any student absence or any intended late arrival. If the absence unexpectedly extends past one day please call for each subsequent day.

• If a child is absent, and the school has not been contacted, the school will call the parents to ensure the child is safe. If we are unable to locate the child, appropriate action will be taken which may include contacting the police and other agencies responsible for the care of children

In addition to our safe arrival policy, please observe the following:

• Regular attendance is required by law.

• Students arriving late must report to the main office accompanied by/with a note from a parent or guardian. In the interest of safety, parents are asked to enter via the front doors and to refrain from going directly to the classroom.

• Students must have a written permission to be signed out by persons other than parents.

• Supervision is not provided before or after school.

• Please advise the office as soon as possible if your child will not be riding the bus home on a given day. This will allow us to ensure that the bus driver is notified of the absence.

• For reasons of safety and continuity, classes are not to be interrupted.

All visitors/parents must report to the office when they are on school property and they are to wait at the office when picking up a child.

Bus Transportation

Buses are considered an extension of the classroom and fall under the school discipline code. Students are expected to conduct themselves in an orderly and respectful manner on the bus and to follow the instructions of the driver. Each student receives a copy of the school bus rules and expectations in September and parents are asked to read and discuss the booklet with their children. In cases where disruptive conduct is reported a suspension of bus privileges may occur.

Your school day begins when you step onto a school bus and ends when you get off at the end of the day. You are required to observe all bus rules and show courtesy to the driver. Students are not permitted to travel on a different bus.

Inclement Weather School Bus Cancellation

Unless otherwise announced, schools will remain open for students and staff even if transportation is cancelled. If Transportation is cancelled in the morning, afternoon transportation will not operate. There are two methods to check for bus cancellations:

1) Announcements regarding the cancellation of school bus and special vehicle transportation will be broadcasted starting at 6:15am on area radio stations. 

2) You can access the UCDSB Transportation website at and click on the “Bus Cancellation Status” button. School bus cancellations will be posted by 6:15 a.m.

Dress Code

Our dress code is intended to contribute to a positive image and a safe learning environment at school. It is expected that students will dress in a manner guided by modesty and respect for others.

Only respectful, age appropriate clothes are acceptable at Bridgewood Public School. A change of clothes is required if clothing is found to be inappropriate or offensive. Appropriate clothing and footwear are required for all gym activities. Indoor and outdoor shoes are required. Students are expected to be outdoors for all recesses. Seasonable clothing, footwear and sun protection are required for all types of weather.

Dropping off and Picking up Students

The school bus area must remain unobstructed for our buses at all times before school and just prior to dismissal. Please remember to yield to our buses at all times. Parents/visitors may park along the west fence south of the yellow parking gate or along the east side of the pavement to the north of the turning circle. Your cooperation with this request is greatly appreciated and will make our traffic flow as safely and manageable as possible. At dismissal time, all cars parked south of the yellow parking gate will have to wait until buses leave to exit this parking lot.

School Yard

If you are dropping off your child at school in the morning, please bring your child to the gate. For safety reasons it is important you do not allow your child to exit the car until you reach the gate. It can be very dangerous for children to walk between the guardrail and the bus especially during slippery winter conditions. Parents picking their children up at the school entrance at the end of the day should also walk them up along the path and exit the school at the top gate.


Health Information

Administration of prescribed drugs

Prescription medication may only be administered by school personnel upon completion of a Board Authorization Form, available at the Office. The prescription must be current and the student’s name must be on the bottle from the pharmacy. Prescription medications may not be transported to school by students.

Head Lice

Head lice are very contagious and are spread through head-to-head contact, and the sharing of personal items such as combs, brushes, scarves, hats, headphones, sleeping bags and stuffed animals. To minimize the risk of repeated outbreaks, remind your children not to borrow these items. Parents are advised to continually check for evidence of nits and report to school if discovered. Should live lice be found when a child is at school then parents are requested to pick up their child immediately.

Emergency Evacuation

Schools are required to practice Emergency Fire and Lock Down Evacuation Drills throughout the year. Children need to wear footwear at all times, so that they are always prepared for an evacuation.

Peanut/Nut Allergies

Bridgewood Public School is a peanut free school. Do not send to school food that contains or may contain traces of peanut or nut products. Please notify the school if your child has any type of allergy or health issues.


If your child rides a bicycle to school please ensure that the bike has a lock. Helmets are required - it is the law. 


The school board (UCDSB) does not insure students therefore; any dental or medical expenses incurred by students are the responsibility of the parents. Student accident insurance that is comprehensive is available at a small cost. Forms will be sent home in September.


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